--name container name-d is to let jenkinsci container run in background and silent the output ratherthan print out in terminal console. -p 8080:8080is the to map the port number for host machine and docker container respectively.(Service port : Jenkins port)-p 50000:50000isfor the JNLP based Jenkins master-slave configurations.JNLP-based Jenkins agents communicate with the Jenkins master through TCP port 50000 by default.-v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home is to map the /var/jenkins_home directory in the container to the Docker volume with the name jenkins-data, this option is to ask Jenkins to persist state for instance restarts. -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock, this option is to allow jenkins ci container to communicate with docker daemon. jenkinsci/blueocean is the jenkinsci image with blueocean plugin, specifying this option will automatically pull any updates.
After start Jenkins, you can use the below command to check the container status:
docker ps -a
Docker commands:
//start a container:docker start <container name>//stop a container:docker stop <container name>//remove a container:docker rm <container name>//restart a container:docker restart <container name>